Monday, January 28, 2019

Worship in Simplicity

As I mentioned on my page about my ‘humble little flutes,’ it is my mission in life to play music for others. God and I are still working out the details... But in the meantime...

Please enjoy this Celtic slipjig. I filmed this in October. I miss those days. The winter has been long here and I am missing my sunshine and trees.

I follow the ancient sect of Christianity that the Celts and Irish people followed between the 5th and 9th centuries. NO, that does NOT mean I practice ‘magic’ or other pagan practices. That is a gross misconception and total perversion of what “Celtic Christianity” really is. Read some books by Rev. Ray Simpson, or J. Philip Newell. Listening for the Heartbeat of God is a good one. So is The Celtic Way of Prayer by Esther de Waal. “Celtic Christianity” is more properly known as “Irish Monasticism.” Their flavor of Monasticism is highlighted by the seven particular distinctives:

Holism, God in all things. No compartmentalization of faith in our lives. Awareness of the sacred in all things.
Equality, of the clergy and the laity. We are all walking each other home.
Mystery, our infinite God cannot be fully comprehended by finite man.
Environment, the earth in all its wonder was given to us by God, and we are to be good stewards of His creation.
Hope, to seek first the Good in all things, for the One we trust is Greater than all evil.
Immanence, God didn’t just dwell with us in the Garden, nor did He only come to be with us in Jesus, but He is with us even now.
Simplicity, of doctrine, faith, and lifestyle. When we are not perpetually distracted, we are better able to hear the Lord’s words to our heart.

I will write more on my own faith in the days to come. For now, suffice to say that my worship is often spent outdoors, soaking in the midst of His creation, using the Gift He gave me (music). It brings me much joy, and I hope, you as well. ๐Ÿ’•

Hang in There!

I’ve been watching so many of us struggle through such hardship these last couple years, myself and my family included. As God has gotten increasingly loud over the course of last fall, I asked Him the other day, “how long? How much longer do we have to struggle before we reach a breakthrough?” And in typical GOD fashion, no sooner than the words left my mouth than this song comes on the radio. ❤️

“You are so much closer than you’ve ever been / you just haven’t seen it yet.”

Hang in there, friends, HE’s got a plan and we’re almost there. ๐Ÿ’• Galatians 6:9: ‘Do Not grow weary of doing good works, for the time of harvest is at hand.’ The sunrise is coming!!