Saturday, February 9, 2019

Current Events

I have been greatly disturbed as of late with the legislations popping up in different states regarding abortions. I find myself vacillating between holy anger and utter heartbreak that we have become so lost as a nation of people that life is virtually worthless (unless you’re a dog or a cat or some other animal, that is. There is plenty of empathy for them.). I have not known how to pray, though the burden has been heavy on my mother’s heart.

I lost my firstborn son 34 minutes after he was born from birth complications — you can read some of that in my Testimony, or do a google search for my name and Michael’s name, and you can read all about it on my old Wordpress site — and it pains me deeply that the people who told me in the depths of my grief that my son had been a “parasite” and wasn’t worth grieving, are part and parcel of this dark mentality that is sweeping our nation. And it hurts me as deeply now as it did then.

“Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do.”

Indeed. The startling number of accounts from former cult members on their ritualistic involvement at various abortion facilities (yes, you read that right) also deeply infuriates and wounds me. How are we so blind as to miss the black-and-white fact that if we do not play for God’s team, there is only ONE other option? That not holding to God’s deep regard and honor for life means we are playing right into the machinations of our spiritual enemy??

But I did not sit down here this evening to go to battle. I am battle-weary, and wish instead to share a vision I had the other night:

I had finished reading yet another unsettling article about the above topics and sat down to pray with tears running down my face. I can’t remember now what I prayed, but I do remember that I felt urged to play music — something I find is an integral piece of my being a follower of Christ, and a newly-budded Intercessor/prophetic musician. I drug out my whistle case and settled on a song in a heartbeat. I wanted to play FOR the souls of those children. And play, I did.

As I relaxed into the notes, I closed my eyes and was immediately dropped back into the garden I’ve visited a few times now with Jesus or the Father. This time, I was sitting on a little embankment and many, many small children of varying ages were sitting on my lap, cuddled next to my legs, cuddled next to each other... I couldn’t count, but I Felt. Jesus was standing, facing me, and he had two babies in his arms and several young children clustered around his robes. And everyone was so innocent, and the children loved being so close and there was so much love, and yet sadness, too. These were the children, a small portion of the much larger number, who had their chances stolen from them. They knew this in the way only the spirit can. But for now, they were with Jesus, and that was beautiful.

The vision ended as abruptly as it began. My heart was more easy than it had been.

Some days I am deeply uncomfortable and overwhelmed by the things God is choosing to show me, and then there are times like the other night when I sit down to pray and am deeply comforted. I don’t have all the answers, only what I am shown. At the unprecedented rate at which God seems to be active, combined with dreams I’ve had as of late with Him showing me various resurrections coupled with Him decreeing “I AM the God who brings life where there once was death,” tells me this next year is going to be very interesting indeed!

Heavenly Father, 
May your arrival be swift as the wild geese returning in spring,
With as much fanfare and trumpeting,
And may every knee bow and hearts declare Your rule and reign
As even the rocks cry out in the book of Luke 19.


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